ቃላት | Vocabulary
የታሪክ ክፍሎችን መረዳት | Understanding
ትንበያ | Prediction
ገጸባህሪያትን እና መቼትን ማስተዋወቅ | Character and Setting
ዋና ሃሳብን ለይቶ ማውጣት | Main idea
ቀጥተኛ እና አመራማሪ ጥያቄዎችን መመለስ | Answering Question
በትክክለኛ አገላልጽ ማንበብ | Expression
መልሶ መንገር | Retelling
በጊቲ ቡራቡሬዋ በግ | Begiti and Her Lost Baba
ሰብስቤና ፈረሱ | Sebsebe and His Naughty Horse
ሸማኔዋ ሸረሪት | Shashe the female weaver
ለማጇ ድኩላ | The dancing dear
አንበሶቹና አጋዘኗ | The two lions and the deer
ከርከሮውና ክራሩ | The broken harp
ተኩላ እና ተርብ | The helpful wasp
ተምቾቹና ስራቸው | The sorry Locust
ገሱና ጎሹ | Gesu and Goshu working Together
ኩራተኛው ፒኮክ | The Proud Peacock
ነብሩ እና ነጯ ድመት | The Leopard who wanted to be a Cat
ደስተኛዋ ጥርኝ | Civet cat found her scent
ዘነበና ዘንጋዳው | Lazy Zenebe
ዠርጋዳዋ ዤ | Mama and Her Baby Chickens
ረድኤት ቀበሮዋ | Rediet and her Butterfly friends
ፈጣኑ ፈረስ | Fast horse
ሀኖሷ እና ሀረጉ | Hanos and the vineyard
ጸሀይና ጽጌሬዳ | The rose and the sun
ጠንቃቃዋ ጥንቸል | Careful Mrs. Rabbit
ጨረቃና ጉዞዋ | The helpful moon
ወርቃማው ወንዝ | The golden river
ቀይ ቀበሮና ቀይ ምስጥ | The red fox and the red ant
መልካሟ አህያ | How the donkey became a zebra
የየዋኋ ዳክዬ | The kind duck
ደፋሯ ዶሮ | The brave chicken
የጳዚዮን ላጲስ | Pazion's Picture
ባለ ሐብሉ የሐር ትል | The Silkworm and the Water Worm
ጀበናዋ እና ወዳጆቿ | The Travelling Coffee Pot
ኀላፊነትን መወጣት | The responsible animals
ሠበበኛዋ ሠፌድ | Fire
ዔሊዋና ዐስገራሚው ዐጋጣሚ | The tortoise got her shell
ፀደይና ፀጉርዋ | Tseday a hairy story